your chance to influence the next generation of the web

Services for the pioneers of the next phase of the internet.

Unlock the power of Web 3 with Shiny

Web 3 is the internet you own. This is how you get so far ahead of the curve, you’re choosing what direction you want to go in. Web 3 is the future of the internet and this is your chance to join it early.

Whether you’re creating your first NFTs, getting to grips with artificial intelligence or need to bring your web 3 product or metaverse to life in 3D, we can help you make that happen.

And yep. We accept Eth, Bitcoin, Sol and Tez as currency for payment.

high-end creativesmaking nft content.

Six steps to think about before developing your Web 3 project.

Web 3 isn't a fad. It's the future and we only want to work with founders who are in it for the long haul. There are a few steps you need to consider, but don't worry we can help you every step of the way.

1. Flesh out the idea.

Map out the idea on a mind map

Write a business plan

Who are your audience?

2. Develop a marketing plan.

How are you going to tell people about your project?

Do you have a marketing budget for content?

Do you have a budget for PR?

3. Do you have an engineering budget?

Contracts are just the start of any Web 3 project. Engineering will be required for any future implementation of new features and/or web 2 integration. We can help.

4. Are you using advisors?

Advisors are good. We recommend getting some people on a board who you trust from various backgrounds and expertise.

5. Getting your contract audited.

Once your contracts are complete, they need to be audited by a reputable 3rd party team. This is another expense. But the cheapest solution compared to the alternative. If you have been in web 3 as long as we have then you will have seen your fair share of horror stories as well.

6. Who are your professional advisors.

We recommend talking to both an accountant and a lawyer prior to minting anything. We can help with this too.

What is Web 3?

What is web 3? How can it help my business? How can I take advantage of being early to the technology? If I am early how will this benefit my business or charity competitively? Let's go.

What is Web 1?

Web1 focused on open, decentralised, and community-governed protocols. The pioneers who operated on the edges of the network — both users and builders —reaped the majority of the value.

What is Web 2?

Web2 was all about centralised, segregated services provided by mega corps. This small number of businesses, including Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon, reaped the majority of the value.

What is Web 3?

The Web3 era, which has just begun, combines the advanced, contemporary functionality of Web2 with the decentralised, community-governed ethos of Web1.

Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users built on a massive computer that is owned by no one. 

The Problems with Centralised Platforms

Every centralised platform comes with the same problems and a really predictable life cycle. 

This life cycle is both obvious, boring and users have been catching on for a while now so growth in the space will slow. This has also stifled innovation and pushes users from a new potential “unicorn” back to the safety net of the mega corps.

It goes like this:

1 - Recruit users - massive sales teams, free accounts, Starbucks vouchers and a virtual tour of offices stacked with bean bags etc .

2 - Recruit complementary services and business. Partner with others looking to grow to help unleash the network effect to recruit more users. Grow, grow, grow. 

3 - Recruit developers. Add in some open APIs and recruit businesses that build a service economy around the platform. 

4 - When growth starts to slow nows the time to extract data from users. Also start to compete with the complementary businesses (or buy them) by offering the same services they offer and cannibalise the service economy under the guise of “doing what’s best for our users (who we are sucking as much data as possible from to sell on). 

The last decade of web tech has seen this happen over and over. Anyone there in both periods of web 1 and web 2 have been exhausted by this. 

This has led to a massive stifling of innovation. Builders and investors have learned not to build on centralised platforms and as a result (for users) the market place is crowded with more and more services that all do the same thing.

Something needed to change. 

Ownership of the new Web

In web3, ownership and control is decentralised. Users and builders can own pieces of internet services by owning tokens, both non-fungible (unique) and fungible (all the same).

Fungible Tokens

Fungible Tokens give users property rights: the ability to own a piece of the internet.

Fungible tokens exist on blockchains like Ethereum and Solana. Ethereum is a decentralised global computer that is owned and operated by its users.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)

NFTs give users the ability to own objects, which can be art, photos, code, music, text, game objects, credentials, governance rights, access passes, and whatever else people dream up next.

NFTs exist on blockchains like Ethereum and Solana. Ethereum is a decentralised global computer that is owned and operated by its users.

What is a Blockchain?

Blockchains are special virtual computers that (with enough users) anyone can access but no one owns.

Ethereum is currently the most decentralised version of these and it is powered by its own fungible token, ETH, which is used to incentivise the physical computers that run the system. ETH is also the system’s native currency for transactions, like NFT purchases.

How can I own tokens?

There are many ways for users to acquire fungible and non-fungible tokens. You can buy them in exchange for your local currency on an exchange, or you can earn them. There are many ways to earn them.

There be monsters!

But beware. There are centralisation Maxi’s everywhere attempting to infiltrate web 3 and become the next mega corp (or in the case of “Meta” maintain their mega corp status in the face of this new wave).  These are web 2 projects simply using web 3 infrastructure. Do your research. 

How does Web 3 fix the problems of centralised networks?

Tokens align network participants to work together toward a common goal — the growth of the network and the appreciation of the token.

This fixes the core problem of centralised  networks, where the value is accumulated by one company, and the company ends up fighting its own users and partners.

This isn’t to say centralised businesses can’t be built on top of decentralised networks. But the opportunity is there to provide partial ownership to the users and prevent at all costs turning against them in the future. This is made possible by the ability to avoid traditional financing through raising development funds with governance tokens or NFTs.

Our conclusion

Before web3, users and builders had to choose between the limited functionality of web1 or the corporate, centralised model of web2.

Web3 offers a new way that combines the best aspects of the previous eras. 

It’s very early in this movement. LFG. 

Follow the White Rabbit